बेटी सस्ते टमाटर ले आना… महंगाई को देखते हुए माँ ने दुबई से बेटी को मँगाए 10 किलो टमाटर, लोग बोले-… | Daughter Brought Tomatoes from Dubai

🔊 Listen to this Daughter Brought Tomatoes from Dubai : ऑनलाइन बुलेटिन डेस्क | Since tomatoes have become expensive, the creators are also preparing content related to tomatoes and making them viral on social media. Recently, a news had come to light that a woman had asked her daughter to bring tomatoes from Dubai. Now … Continue reading बेटी सस्ते टमाटर ले आना… महंगाई को देखते हुए माँ ने दुबई से बेटी को मँगाए 10 किलो टमाटर, लोग बोले-… | Daughter Brought Tomatoes from Dubai