मानसून के साथ महंगाई ने भी दी दस्तक, यहां 120 रुपए किलो बिक रहा टमाटर | Tomato Price Hike

🔊 Listen to this Tomato Price Hike : नई दिल्ली | [नेशनल बुलेटिन] | At present, inflation is increasing every day across the country. Due to the summer season, there is an increase in the prices of vegetables, which is directly affecting the pocket of the general public. At this time the price of tomato … Continue reading मानसून के साथ महंगाई ने भी दी दस्तक, यहां 120 रुपए किलो बिक रहा टमाटर | Tomato Price Hike